Chap. 5, pg. 2: Female
Learning moment from this page: Simplify simplify simplify. ALSO! It doesn’t show up on this page but oh my God, switch inking pens if microns aren’t cooperative. I picked up a Zebra Zensations brush pen, a Pentel Pointliner, and a LePen Pigment (none of which paid me to say this) and I feel like I can finally stop bearing down on my nibs or going over them again to get the lines I originally drew. Combined with the brush pen I’m using, maybe I won’t have carpel tunnel by the end of this project. The idea of only having to draw a line ONCE and it isn’t as punitive as the brush pen is fantastic.
Thank God, there are slightly less backgrounds on this page. I swore to never put something in an inn/pub again and look at all those stupid tables and chairs.
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