Chap. 4, pg. 31: Remember
Learning moment from this page: Began reading “Picture This” by Molly Bang, which is a great breakdown of how colors/shapes/structures/size/other elements all work together to make us feel things about a story. It’s very helpful, for all that NLL doesn’t use color. This page has a lot of dead space that I’ve tried to…. at least grey out? But it’ll need fixing. The textures are…. sigh.
This is another add-on page that wasn’t in the lineup. Adding it did several things, including reminding me that these are both people who spend the VAST MAJORITY of their time left to their own devices and have had zero privacy since leaving. Also, that guilt/internalization can mean spacing on what other people are experiencing. Jona doesn’t know that someone was actually about to throw a knife at Paolo’s head, but the guards were pretty clear on their intent.
Time for Jona to ascend into their room to hallucinate with some cats 😀