Edit: Originally published on Jan 24, 2021, reuploaded on June 5, 2022, following renovations. Edit number feels-like-nine-million, 2/10/24: reuploading without colors, trying it in the 950 pixel size and seeing if it’s still readable. Original learning moment from this page,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Chapter One
Edit: Redid this page, again. Learning moment from this page: After thinking, “wow, this is busy,” I checked on Marvel/DC/other webcomics/etc to see how many panels (on average) are on a page. Generally, it’s not more than about 3-4 words[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Edit: Reuploading page in 06/2022. Edit: Reuploaded 2/10/24 Learning moment from this page: I think it began to dawn on me that the character sheets I’d drawn traditionally were really struggling to work with the digital medium, lol.
Edit: 06/2022 re uploaded. 2/10/24 – again. Original Learning moment from this page: Started realizing that incorporating background art and color changes into the roughs stage was going to help the panels not turn into white space. And that I needed[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Edit: 07/2022 re uploaded. Original learning moment from this page: While the brush tool in CSP is lovely, it wasn’t generating clean lines. I looked at some of Minna Sundberg’s “Hummingfluff” videos on Youtube to see what she was using[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Edit: 07/2022 re uploaded. Learning moment from this page: The value of using more visuals than text. I really like this page, even if it led to the nightmare of drawing that horse and its various saddlebags over and over.
Edit: This is really where the pace of the first 30 pages really started to deviate from the original. Sad to waste all the work on that bird, but it flows better this way. Learning moment:: Not from this page,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Edit: 08/2022 re uploaded. Learning moment: Not a learning moment from this page, but mapping out Paolo’s house, where he would sleep and work, before I started drawing really helped. Also, learned that it takes a little around an hour[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Edit: 08/2022 re uploaded. Learning moment: From the last page and this one, paying attention to the world tentpoles I’m erecting with dialogue. They live in a state, “threshold modifiers” are magical(??) items that exist, institutions exist, written research that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Edit: 08/2022 replaced page. Learning moment from this page: Flatting colors from large to small. The panels get blocked in as big colors, as shown, and then working into smaller and smaller increments. ‘Color with Kurt’ on Youtube has a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…